Swimming Summers

Tears at the Wading Pool

The pool at Detroit Golf Club was twenty-five yards long, within the small distance that separates official length pools from their less accurately built brethren. To some extent, this was a drawing card for the illustrious of the swimming world, and if that card lacked import, these top-notchers were welcomed as performers for the edification of the members. Two or three men were hired on from this cadre. At this distance in time, I cannot be sure of the number, because the hired staff were almost indistinguishable from the hangers-on. The main difference, of course, was that we were paid.

The summer I was in charge of the pool, two very fine swimmers who also happened to be girls, were among those willing to work, but we could only find work for one. We needed someone, preferably a girl, to be in attendance at a little wading pool separate from the large pool. The girls themselves suggested that we take them both on the payroll, at half pay. This turned out to be satisfactory to the club manager, so Molly and Wanda were hired.

The difference between managing men, seeing that work was done properly and in timely fashion, and keeping the peace between two prima donnas, was about like the difference between crawling into a warm bed and being dropped into ice water. "Wanda won't show up on time." "Molly won't polish brass. She thinks that is my job." "Wanda hangs around the pool when there are several children using the wading pool" "Oo-ooh, so does Molly. Boo-hoo-hoo".

I learned never to confront them as a team. As a team they could extract really stupid concessions from me. I learned to micro manage their time, and things quieted down. Right under my nose, however, Molly managed to spend enough time in the staff sewing room to cut up enough golf club towels to make herself a bathrobe. Before she could wear it to the wading pool, the housekeeper realized what had happened, and my problem was solved. Molly was banished, to reappear a couple of weeks later as a hanger-on without portfolio, still available for swimming races, and, of course still able to give the best in her specialties a real race.

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Created: 1/9/99 8:43:15 PM
By: William H. Meek
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