Swimming summers

Aurora Orientalis

The Detroit Golf Club was very good to its members. It was not too much to expect that there would be fireworks in the evening to celebrate the Fourth of July. It was, however, hard to wait for a suitable degree of darkness, but the thrifty management was not going to set off the display until a suitable darkness prevailed. The spectators occupied the seating that served the audience at the Thursday evening pool party, so the operators of the pool had some of the best vantage points, and were every bit as impatient as those who had paid an almost unbelievable sum to belong to the club.

At last the program, which was to last about ninety minutes, began with a desultory sky-rocket or two, perhaps getting the range and determining the wind direction. The audience rustled and rippled with those seeking last minute seats or resuming a chair they had left. With these matters presumably settled, a beautiful color burst properly opened the evening. The next few seconds elicited approving shouts, as salutes followed aerial burst. Approval, however, turned to dismay when the tempo stepped up to almost continuous fire and light. When the entire eastern horizon lit up it was as a background for the shadowy figures of the greens keepers running for cover. Of course no one knows better than a greens keeper where the safe places would be. and all were spared significant burns, but many were a little scorched. The display, planned for ninety minutes, took about ninety seconds, although there were after-shocks.

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Created: 1/9/99 8:21:22 PM
By: William H. Meek
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